MS ANGEL A N G E L ' S C O R N E R =============================== Hi, guys here's Ms. Angel again! Everything all right with you? For this time i have news of newspapers, jokes, things what you like to know, how can you remember your beautiful dreams, a nice poem too of course for all the people who like that so much, and for this time i will have a talk with Slimer! Yeh, now some words about Mister Slimer. The moment he got the questions for his talk with me he was very afraid! Yeh, he was very nerveous. So the first thought of him was:revenge! It's very bad of him ofcourse but so next time you will read a talk with me. You guys are very inquisitive to me i think. So let's go on and read! Special greetings for Larsie of Sweden of course. (I don't may forget my little journalist you know) NEWSPAPER ========= Man and woman with both a job is growing in Holland ___________________________________________________ In more than 50% in Dutch families there's a second income. People who are married of people who lives together beneath 65 years comes nowadays even in two of three times a second income inside. A man or woman who makes money alone or his family are returning. The tradiotional family with man is working and woman is housewife is dying. Majority of the Dutch population consist of people alone who care for them selve and possible children and people with both a job in one family. -1/3 of working people in Holland earn each month 4.000 guilders or more -27% becomes each month between 3.000 and 4.000 guilders -27% becomes each month bteween 2.000 and 3.000 guilders Merely one of the ten working people becomes below 2.000 per month.(This notes are total income and not individual income). The most low income in Holland are in non-profit sector(healthcare, welfare work and similar). Almost one of five people who works in this sector haven't more than 2.000 guilders per month. Land and horticultures and self- emplyed people don't make a lot money. 1/3 of agrarian have an income below 2.000 guilders.1/4 of self- employed haven't more than 2.000 guilers. Best pay job are directors of companies. One of three get more than 6.000 guilders per month. One third yet get between 4.000 and 6.000 guilders. The idea of high education isn't per defenition a high income. People with secondary school/or secondary profession school have mostly almost a high income then people with high education. People of the last group haven't more than 2.000 per month net. People with university and high profession school makes a lot of more money. More than 42% of this people have 4.000 guilders per month of more. CONCLUSION ++++++++++ Welfare connected not only with work but with familysituation too. Almost two on three people alone have an income of 3.000 or less, in spite of the question if he or she works or get an inemployment benefit. People who are divorced or widow/widower are much more poor than married people or people who lives together. One parent families with only a mother becomes in 60% below then 2.000 guilders per month (mostly social security). Most fathers have a job. So when they are one parent family they have a lot more money. Half of them get between 2.000 and 4.000 per month. LOOK INTO THE MIRROR OF YOUR HAIRDRESSER MORE OFTEN.. ===================================================== A girl of 20 years old in Holland wanted to have a coupe soleil. Her hair- cap was broken and the backside of her head is burned now (3th greeds). Doctors of Martini Hospital in Groningen have cut a piece skin of her left buttock. They have put on that piece of buttock at her head. The section of the piece was seven centimeter and the girl said: Yes, sit down is very painly for me this moment.. MAGNETRONS WARM UP FOOD VERY BAD ================================ Because magnetrons warm up food very bad, people can get very easy a food poisoning. For killing bacteria must the meal warm up 70%C of more. Research have showed: even one of sixteen tested magnetrons warmed up the meal on some places till 95 greeds and on other places till even 30 greeds! THERE WASN'T NICE THINGS ON TELEVISION.. ======================================== People who lives in east of Holland have the name of very sober nation. Very lonely, not meddlesome and don't like sensation. Sunday evening ten o'clock the policeradio said there was an UFO landed on industryside in Hardenberg. Many people went outside for seeiing there the UFO. Later policeman said it was a test. They wanted to know how many persons eavesdrop the policeradio. A breakdown lorry was hired for making a show for look like an UFO with many lights and so on. The reason of this test were a chimneyfire earlier in evening. The firemen had many problems with curious people. They had eavesdrop the policeradio for sensation. So on this cold evening in november with his UFO was a great succes. The lady in mentionroom said to all scannerlisteners: thank for the breakdown lorry company and all moonmen!! One of the eavesdroplisteners got suspicion when policeradio said: there's an UFO landed on industryside. After some time he heard: people of aviation have seen many things. His neighbour went for seeiing the UFO yet. His last words: Ach,there wasn't nice things on TV... &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& So this was the newspaper. I hope it was interesting and laugh both for you! Yeh we dutch men and woman can be sometimes very strange but of course we know moonmen don't excist but we like sensation a lot! And what about the girl of 20 years old with a piece of her buttock on her head! Are there people of you who is a little bit jealous? Then i will tell to you let see your face to your psychiatrist!!! Most of you aren't married yet but i will tell to you the ten most reasons for divorcing so you will now that on time. I hope you will have a good marriage for later so don't forget the ten reasons for divorcing of ms Angel. You must be strong and sensible and care for your lover very much! That was the wise lesson in relationship!! Do with it what you want. REASONS FOR DIVORCING --------------------- 1. new love wifes 43% men 43% 2. differents in interesse 26% 35% 3. carreer and family 33% 21% 4. against will and thank 20% 28% 5. sex 21% 23% 6. friends 13% 22% 7. housekeeping 18% 12% 8. money 15% 10% 9. drank 16% 5% 10. upbringing children 5% 3% *************************************************************************** JOKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ecto 1: Laugh is healthy! Vigo : No it makes fat My cousin smiled on vacation to a nice Greek and now she will be fatter each day! Bonus: The toilet is full of feather KGE : Yes, the wc- duck is moulthing. A javalin- thrower on sportfield says to his colleague: now i must do very best because otherside looks my mother in law. Colleague: Do you realy think you can hit her? Man to the woman: "You wash, you ironed, you cleaned, you dusted, you cooked, so how can you bore now !!?! NICE TO KNOW! +++++++++++++ * One of six children are allergic to housemite. Maybe you don't think so but the sweet teddybear is a big bring about of the allergic reactions, because it's full of housemite! So put the teddybear each three weeks one day in deepfreezer for killing housemite. * When you have the hiccup you must put your fingers in each ear for twenty seconds. That works much better then a glass of water of hold your breath in. So your ears are closed, the hiccup will end soon. * Smoking is very bad for your face. When you smoke many years your face is a lot more damaged than 50.000 hours sun! * In the early morning you must sing high notes so you are protect for stress the whole day. In bathroom you can relax most. DREAMS REMEMBER? SO IT WILL SUCCEED! ------------------------------------ * Put a pencal and paper beside bed. * Open your selfe for dreaming before you will sleep. * You must wake up very slowly and try remember your dream. * Write your reminder on paper, little things too!! * Write always data on your memo's. * Write down in which mood you were wake up. * Try to explain your own dreams thinking on thinks what happened the last few days. A Dream means something for it NOW. * Don't lose your courage when it will not succeed for remembering the dreams the first time. * When it realy don't succeed there are more important things for you than your dreams. Your dreams aren't so important! ************************************************************************** POEM ==== Happiness, happiness is like a sunbeam the smile of life It talks a marvellous language Maybe it takes a little time Just when the light is gone and rise in darkness realised the human after long time How wishless happy he was......... ************************************************************************** So guys that was it for this magazine. Next time a lot more news of me and an interview with me of course!!! May be a second person too but I'll see. Greetings to all the members of D.B.A. and my two goldfishes of course. Their names? Of one person i have got a nice combination thanks for that idea! Now realy goodbey and see you later...... (Jag hoppas vi ses igen ! ) H MS ANGEL. E arrivederci hei sitten J adjo adeus auf wiedersehen farvel adios D au revoir dag A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. Dear Ms. Angel why diden't you asked me your question's personaly or are you afraid of visiting my house alone ?? Mister Slimer